Extraordinary present for Someone special !!!
Stay at Hotel Ilan in Lublin
Increadable culinary journey is awaiting for You at The Olive Restaurant.
Come. Feel. Taste
Już 28 marca zapraszamy do gmachu historycznej Jeszywas Chachmej Lublin – Lubelskiej Szkoły Mędrców aby razem z Symchą Kellerem – wybitnym działaczem ...
Pierwsza Otwarta Koszerna Kolacja Szabatowa w Hotelu Ilan!
3 hours tour with guide Walking throughout old-time jewish district and getto area, which was in King's Castle and Old Town surroundings.
Jewish heritage in Lublin - old-town and Jewish district
6 hours tour with guide Walking throughout old-time jewish district and getto area, which was in King's Castle and Old Town surroundings. Sightseeing ...
Jewish heritage in Lublin - old-town Jewish district, Jeshiva and Old Cementary